The consortium in charge of the project includes:
Ecologic Institute
Stephanie Wunder, Timo Kaphengst, Linda Mederake, Keighley McFarland
Project lead, contributions mainly to successful examples of food provision between cities and rural areas, creation of an overarching theoretical concept, and linkage to political processes and actors.
Öko-Institut e.V.
Franziska Wolff, Daniel Bleher
Contributions mainly to urban-rural-metabolism and to governance aspects
TU Berlin, FG Landschaftsarchitektur.Freiraumplanung
Prof. Undine Giseke , Christoph Kasper
Contributions mainly to existing development theories and to real international examples of urban-rural-linkages
ICLEI Europe secretariat
Stefan Kuhn, Peter Ulrich
Contributions mainly to identification of relevant political linkage points and to parameters and indicators
Project coordination at the Federal Environment Agency by Mrs. Almut Jering (+49 (0)340 2103 2114)